We are celebrating anniversaries at Lake Oswego Health Center this month!

Happy Spring! Dr. Bridghid McMonagle started her clinic in 2005 and moved locations in 2013 for more space. The clinic has grown and evolved to include a diverse selection of treatments and an amazing staff.  She is starting her 17th year in practice.  To celebrate, we are offering our dedicated patients spring discounts at Lake […]

Ozone Therapy: How can it help?

Although still not commonly known in the U.S., ozone has been used in medical applications since the late 1800s, when physicist and engineer Nikola Tesla received a U.S. patent for an ozone generator. Since that time, medical ozone has been used to treat a variety of conditions, from wounds and gangrene in soldiers during World […]

Prevent Hairloss with PRP

Hair loss can happen for several reasons. Most commonly, it occurs as gradual thinning in both men and women as an unfortunate effect of the aging process. However, there are multiple causes for hair loss that are often overlooked. At Lake Oswego Health Center (LOHC), the doctors performs PRP hair treatment. This is an innovative, […]

A Younger You With Cosmetic PRP

Dull skin? Aging Skin? Damaged Skin? If you are looking for fresher, younger, rejuvenated looking skin, Cosmetic PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a proven treatment to repair skin at a cellular level. Your body has the power within itself to heal and regenerate tissues by using its own platelets from your own blood to stimulate […]

Is A Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

It may seem like a ketogenic plan is no more than a new “fad diet” for losing weight. This is not the case. Ketogenic diets are neither new nor useful only for dropping pounds. Despite gaining recent popularity for weight loss, ketogenic diets have been used in modern medicine for greater than a century. Even the practice […]

A brighter mood in menopause: Bio-identical hormones for mood support

Female hormone therapy isn’t just for hot flashes. Just like oxygen, water and blood sugar, hormones have an important role in every part of your body. We experience a broad array of mental & emotional changes as our hormones change. Is it any surprise, then, that balancing or replacing those hormones can help your mood? If you […]

Patient Success Story: Sjogrens

We had a wonderful patient success story that I would like to share. We have a 60 year old female patient who has had Sjogren’s for the last 5-7 years.  The patient heard about our clinic when Dr. McMonagle was speaking at a seminar on ozone therapy for brain injuries.  Dr. McMonagle showed a video, […]

The Meat & Colon Cancer Connection: Understanding W.H.O. Findings

Fans of bacon and other beloved meat products cringed yesterday as the World Health Organization (W.H.O) announced findings that there is “sufficient evidence in humans” that “processed meat causes colorectal cancer.” This press release was followed by bold headlines and news articles everywhere, labeling meat as the cause of cancer. While oversimplified headlines may mislead […]

Can You Trust Your Supplements?

We’ve all been tempted by that “Vitamin Special” stocked conveniently on the end of the aisle at our local grocery. An opportunity to do something good for your body while saving the bank? Sounds like a steal! Whether’s it’s a low-cost multivitamin or an easy to find herbal sleep remedy, supplement “steals” are rarely deals. […]

Are Food Sensitivities Troubling You?

Digestive Complaints? Acne and Rashes? Fatigue and Weight Gain? Food sensitivities may be to blame. With so much of your body’s immune system located around the gut for your protection, it is no wonder that you gastrointestinal system may become prone to inflammation. What starts out as a localized reaction can soon lead to whole-body […]