We are celebrating anniversaries at Lake Oswego Health Center this month!

Happy Spring! Dr. Bridghid McMonagle started her clinic in 2005 and moved locations in 2013 for more space. The clinic has grown and evolved to include a diverse selection of treatments and an amazing staff.  She is starting her 17th year in practice.  To celebrate, we are offering our dedicated patients spring discounts at Lake […]

Ozone Therapy: How can it help?

Although still not commonly known in the U.S., ozone has been used in medical applications since the late 1800s, when physicist and engineer Nikola Tesla received a U.S. patent for an ozone generator. Since that time, medical ozone has been used to treat a variety of conditions, from wounds and gangrene in soldiers during World […]

Optimize your immune system

It has been an interesting 2020. We want to share some health tips to help keep your immune system strong as we approach flu season. Also, we are including some tips to help with the recent smoke exposure. Research has shown that more than 50% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D. Research has also […]

Keep your brain happy and healthy this Spring!

Many of us have heard about Saffron used as a spice to flavor Indian food. Did you know that it can also help you feel better, improve sexual function and cognition? Saffron, also known as Crocus Sativus, has a long history in botanical medicine. Saffron has many research articles showing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. There […]

Let’s talk about health!

Call to set-up a telemedicine visit through our front desk: 503-505-9806. We are currently using Zoom for these visits.  We can discuss medical ozone therapy and how we can get this treatment to you at home. How can ozone help right now? Medical ozone rapidly reacts producing reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation products. Ozone […]

Accepting New Patients via telemedicine

We are able to establish care with new patients now via telemedicine. There are many insurance companies that have realized the importance of social distancing while still needing to support your healthcare needs. If your insurance plans covers us, it many only be a copay. There are many patients with Moda and Regence that have […]

Winter Skin Special

Winter Skin Rejuvenation Special at Lake Oswego Health Center Skin rejuvenation treatments can minimize fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin laxity and tone, and decrease scarring. “Microneedling leads to reorganization of old collagen fibres and laying down of new collagen, elastin, and capillaries leading to the effect of skin tightening. A significant increase in level […]

Cosmetic PRP Part 2

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy involves injection of the patient’s own platelets for the cosmetic treatment of wrinkles or scars in the face, hands, and neck. Known to some as the “vampire facelift” (a term trademarked by Alabama cosmetic surgeon Charles Runels), it is less invasive than plastic surgery, takes about 60-120 minutes for each treatment, […]

Prevent Hairloss with PRP

Hair loss can happen for several reasons. Most commonly, it occurs as gradual thinning in both men and women as an unfortunate effect of the aging process. However, there are multiple causes for hair loss that are often overlooked. At Lake Oswego Health Center (LOHC), the doctors performs PRP hair treatment. This is an innovative, […]