Patient Success Story: Sjogrens

We had a wonderful patient success story that I would like to share. We have a 60 year old female patient who has had Sjogren’s for the last 5-7 years.  The patient heard about our clinic when Dr. McMonagle was speaking at a seminar on ozone therapy for brain injuries.  Dr. McMonagle showed a video, […]

Biofilm: Why do I keep getting a sinus infection?

Do you wonder if biofilm is affecting your health? We have many patients who seem to continually struggle with repeated infections, chronic illness, and multiple symptoms with normal lab results.  What if it is the same sinus infection that you are simply not able to get rid of? Biofilms can affect resistance and progression of […]

The Meat & Colon Cancer Connection: Understanding W.H.O. Findings

Fans of bacon and other beloved meat products cringed yesterday as the World Health Organization (W.H.O) announced findings that there is “sufficient evidence in humans” that “processed meat causes colorectal cancer.” This press release was followed by bold headlines and news articles everywhere, labeling meat as the cause of cancer. While oversimplified headlines may mislead […]

Can You Trust Your Supplements?

We’ve all been tempted by that “Vitamin Special” stocked conveniently on the end of the aisle at our local grocery. An opportunity to do something good for your body while saving the bank? Sounds like a steal! Whether’s it’s a low-cost multivitamin or an easy to find herbal sleep remedy, supplement “steals” are rarely deals. […]

Are Food Sensitivities Troubling You?

Digestive Complaints? Acne and Rashes? Fatigue and Weight Gain? Food sensitivities may be to blame. With so much of your body’s immune system located around the gut for your protection, it is no wonder that you gastrointestinal system may become prone to inflammation. What starts out as a localized reaction can soon lead to whole-body […]